The only input factors of the simplified model were soil radium content, dry bulk density, water content and soil texture type and the output was soil radon exhalation rate. 模型只需输入土壤样品镭含量、容重、质量含水率和质地名称,就可以输出该样品的氡析出率理论值。
Then based on both the theories and the measurement data on radon flux rate and soil properties, the influences of soil radium content, moisture saturation, soil porosity and soil texture were analyzed. 本文结合了前面理论研究和实测数据具体分析了土壤镭含量、含水饱和度、孔隙度和粒径分布对土壤氡浓度与地表氡析出率的影响,并用实测数据验证上述简化氡析出率理论模型。
Samples were determined by uranium chemical analysis and radium radiochemical analysis and it is obvious to note that the radon content released from thermal effect in minerals is positively correlated to the uranium and radium content. 样品又做了化学铀分析和放射化学镭分析。明显看出热释氡量与铀、氡含量成正相关关系。
Associated with the model, the national databases on soil radium content, soil moisture distribution and soil texture were developed so that the feasibility for mapping radon exhalation rate from soil in China was theoretically discussed. 本文在此模型基础上,通过分析和完善我国已有的全国土壤镭含量、水分状况分布和质地分布等数据库,进行了完成中国土壤氡析出率填图的可行性研究。